Eversley Medical Centre
How can we help?

Track a Referral
The easiest and quickest way to find out the length of waiting time is via the NHS My Planned care NHS that was launched to enable patients to see how long the average wait time for treatment is at hospitals across England.
This is to help manage patient expectations when being referred for treatment. When your referral is received by the hospital from us, the Consultant’s team read it and prioritise how soon you are seen.
Please DO NOT contact the practice, we have no influence over this, it’s the Consultant’s view. We do find it difficult to manage calls from patients asking us but unfortunately we have no idea where you are on the hospitals waiting list.
To access the website information go to then choose the hospital where you have been referred and you can then view the average waiting times.
GetUBetter App
The Croydon physiotherapy app (powered by getUBetter) is provided free of charge by Croydon CCG for patients registered at Eversley Medical Centre. It can be accessed on a Smartphone or on the Web and guides you day-by-day through a sequence of exercises and tips to help you recover from a range of new or recurrent muscle and joint conditions:
• Lower back pain • Back and leg pain • Neck pain • Shoulder pain • Ankle pain • Knee pain • Soft Tissue Lower Limb pain • Hip pain • Women’s Pelvic Floor Health • Lower back pain • Back and leg pain • Neck pain • Shoulder pain • Ankle pain • Knee pain • Soft Tissue Lower Limb pain • Hip pain
You will be referred to the app by one of our GPs or Physio, or you can self-register by clicking on this link or the App image. Please use an email address that is unique to you and select the condition you need help to manage. You will then be sent an email with all the information you need to get started. You can download the getUBetter App to your Smartphone for easiest access or you can use the Webapp.
If you develop another condition select your new condition from within the app and it will be added to your account. The app will also connect you to your local; treatment, healthcare providers or support services, if needed, such as Physiotherapy.